Mind Winter Appeal

The mental health charity has run a variety of fundraisers, including the Move for Mind campaign to encourage people to get active every day for a month, improving mental health and raising vital funds.

Pupils at Immanuel College in Idle have joined the challenge, including Noah West, who has been drumming for 30 minutes every day in memory of his sister, who suffered from depression and sadly lost her battle with mental illness in 2020.

Noah had set a target of raising £100 but has so far achieved more than £600.

"I'm drumming for fifteen hours over 30 days for Mind in Bradford because my sister suffered from depression. Unfortunately, she lost her battle with the mental illness in 2020."

The mental health charity’s corporate supporter Multibrands International donated £3,000 to sponsor a bauble for the Mind in Bradford website’s virtual Christmas tree.

A company spokesperson said: "We feel very strongly about supporting and encouraging our local communities in numerous ways, especially providing people with opportunities for a better life. The Winter Appeal by Mind in Bradford is a brilliant concept and we wish the teams the very best of luck and success in supporting individuals in need."

Read the full article here.


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